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Tax Advice & Tax Compliance

James Lee Associates

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Expert assistance with Tax Investigations & HMRC enquiries

Professional advice is crucial to relieve the stress & burden of a tax enquiry and to present your case in the best possible light.

A tax investigation or enquiry from HMRC is a serious issue that should be treated sensitively and sensibly. It is prudent to seek a professional opinion promptly if you have received any such correspondence suggesting an enquiry or investigation from H.M. Revenue & Customs.


The first step is a meeting with one of our advisers in order to gather the facts of the situation. You need to understand your rights and responsibilities as a tax payer as well as the implications of your actions and communication with HRMC. The penalty system HMRC imposes on 'Potential Lost Revenue' can be as much as 100% for deliberate and concealed unprompted disclosures.


It is our priority to minimise any possible penalty liabilities levied from HMRC and ensure all allowances and reliefs to which you were entitled have been claimed. Furthermore we look to resolve any tax enquiries or investigations as promptly as possible in order for the process to be as stress free as possible.

Civil Investigation of Fraud (CIF)

James Lee Associates have a wealth of experience in successfully handling CIF Specialist Tax Investigations and COP-9 (Code of Practice) Tax Investigations, including the preparation and delivery of a Full Disclosure Report, and successful negotiation to cover all taxes: Income Tax, Capital Gains Tax, Inheritance Tax, VAT and Corporation Tax.


Finding a trusted advisor on your side can help prevent criminal prosecution and will avoid paying any unneccessary Tax-Geared Penalties.

How can we help?

  • Avoid Criminal Prosecution

  • Minimise tax geared penalties

  • Speedy resolutions

  • Peace of mind

Strategic Tax Planning - 'Prevention is better than a cure'

Not getting professional tax advice can prove to be costly in the long run. There are some simple ways to reduce the likelihood of being selected for a tax enquiry by HMRC: Ensure you register for Self-Assessment within the correct time frame, declare all sources of your income, and file your tax return before the filing deadline. You can benefit from our knowledge and minimise the potential stress associated with a tax enquiry from HMRC.


Find out more about James Lee Associates and call for a free initial consultation. We cover Wadhurst, Turnbridge Wells, East Sussex, Kent, and London.

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James Lee Associates!


01580 200 924

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